Conference – Smart cities, innovative technologies in support of intelligent cities

Organized by the Department for scientific cooperation of the Institut français d’Autriche

Day 1:

Conference on “Smart cities, innovative technologies in support of intelligent cities” on Wednesday 12 October 2016 at 9.00-17.00 at the Haus der Europäischen Union, Wipplingerstraße 35, A-1010 Vienna, Austria.

  • 1st session – Which smart mobility strategy for the Smart cities?
  • 2nd session – How to reach an optimal energy supply with renewable energy sources in buildings and city districts?
  • 3rd session – Nature-based solutions in the Smart cities: the case of water management technologies in an urban environment.
  • 4th session – How can Smart cities better collaborate in the future?

Day 2:

Visit of the Aspern Smart City Research project on Thursday 13 October 2016 at 9.30-12.30. Welcome coffee from 9.00 at the Aspern IQ Technologiezentrum, Seestadtstraße 27, 1220 Wien.

The language of the two-day programme is English.

Entry is free of charge!

To the programme


Please register on the following website:

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